Workflow Automation
Instrument Integration
Inventory management
Efficient Sample Management
Data Security
Tracking and Exchanging
Laboratory data
21 CFR Part 11 Complaint
Quality Control and Regulatory Compliant
Scalable and Configurable
Effective Reporting System
We have built our modules in a way when used together they can communicate with each other seamlessly.
Bio Samples, Raw Materials, Chemicals, Finished Drugs, Reference & Working Standards, Solutions, Stability etc.
Roles and privileges based access, Complete trail of sample life cycle.
Thorough, real-time inventory of all supplies, laboratory equipment etc.
Dynamic configuration of review and approval workflows.
Investigation and closure on all types of Out of Specification (OOS) and Out of Trend (OOT) test results.
Lab Analysis Lifecyle, Resource Management, Investigative Analysis
Measurement interfaces to CDS, SDMS, Particle Analysers, All lab apparatus & measuring devices.
21 CFR Part 11, GLP Requirements
We have built all the tools with unique Competitive feature you need to manage your important data